Monday, December 28, 2009

If a husband is physically abusive and then stops hitting his wife, will the wife always be afraid?

Assuming he has stopped hitting his wife for an extended period of time (years), without professional help, and still remains verbally abusive, do you think the wife could ever get over her fear and reach a point where she thinks, ';I don't have to be afraid; he'll never hit me again';?

Also assuming the physical abusive was somewhat frequent, serious, and required legal and medical intervention.If a husband is physically abusive and then stops hitting his wife, will the wife always be afraid?
I would be.If a husband is physically abusive and then stops hitting his wife, will the wife always be afraid?
nope its always gonna be in the back of her mind.

i would leave him. verbal abuse, physical abuse, its still abuse.
As soon as she has sex with him after the beatings her mind is changed.
no never not in that relationship.

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