Saturday, January 9, 2010

Does a husband have the right to forbid his wife from working?

This is bothering me, I have these neighbors who are friends of ours.

Not close friends but we have coffee sometimes together, today she told me that her husband won't let her work.

I asked why she said that he doesn't want people thinking that were behind in bills and our life is just fine. They are fine she says but her kids are grown and she has extra time on her hands. All she wants she says is to get out. Since staying home she has gained more than 50lbs. Who's right her or her husband?Does a husband have the right to forbid his wife from working?
If her kids are grown and are not being raised anymore then she is right, she has done her job and raised the family, now it's her time to go find what makes her happy.

If the kids where still little and needed the attention and love of their mother, I would say the father is right.Does a husband have the right to forbid his wife from working?
The husband is ridiculous for not wanting his wife to work. It sounds like her reasons for wanting to work are legit. He needs to stop worrying what people will think. I bet that would be the last thing on somebody's mind that they are behind on their bills. There are other reasons for wanting to get a job. He shouldnt be controlling her to that extent, but if they have been married for a long time, then he has most likely controlled her throughout their entire marraige and i doubt things will change now. Just dont let her marriage influence you (if your married). I would really think twice about taking advice from her too.
I don't think he should forbid her, she should be able to work when she wants to even their life is fine. Money doesn't last very long it comes and go. Maybe her husband is a jelousy man that's why he doesnt' want her to work but just stay home or he just want someone to serve him when he gets home after work.
From the man's point of view, it sounds like a ';pride issue';. If it really about not letting others think they have financial troubles, then your neighbor can still get out of the house and volunteer her time to her favorite cause. She will feel better about herself and probably that weight will just find it's way off her! If the issue is one of control, then she has a completely different issue.
No one has the right to oppress or purposely make anyone unhappy. However she allows herself to be treated this way and as long as she continues her husband will do it. The whole ';not being allowed'; to work issue is probably not even the half of what is going on in that house.
In the U.S. a husband can not forbid a woman to work outside the home if she wants to. However if your friend does it may cause problems in her marriage. She needs to discuss this with her husband rather than you, obviously they have problems with communication.
She should be able to work if she wants to.My husband was also like that but he was afraid if i went to work i would fined someone else.May be that's what this is.
Her life is not her husbands' ... and the husband is wrong.

Still, I advise you to stay out of it. It may become worse if he finds out she told somebody.
Her husband is wrong.
I truly believe the fault is on her for letting the relationship be ruled by the husband. See, when one commits to a relationship it should be layed out specifically on communication. If the two would have agreed to make the decisions together it would be just that. But , in her case she let the husband make the decisions and choices. She should have set her foot down and made it a point that's it goes both ways.

Which in her case its not a choice its a command (that the husband wants).We as adults can make our own choices.But, when it comes to being in a relationship and you both come to agreement then that's it. But if there is disagreement and the husband takes control, well its pointless. The man will always want to make the choices and decisions.

If she really wants to get out of the house ,she would have . But if she has a controlling husband .She doesn't have much luck.

Have a good day.

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