Friday, April 30, 2010

Why is my dog acting like this since my husband and I separated?

ok, we have 3 dogs, and our Great Dane has been acting horrible since we separated. I mean she's mean to my other two dogs which she loves and used to never try to hurt... She refuses to listen anymore, she's pooped in the house, and she's only had one accident in the house since we've owned her... My other two dogs are fine. The night I left, my husband said she whined all night long, so I came home to calm her, and now I come over during the days and stay til my husband gets home from work, I didn't know if dogs can sense that things have changed or what? I need help! How do I get her back to her old self?Why is my dog acting like this since my husband and I separated?
Dogs are dogs, problems arise when we try to humanize them. That said, dogs problems need to be dealt with through dog psychology, not human psychology. We wouldn't correct a child the same way we would a dog now would we? It would give the kid problems, just like it gives our dog problems when we treat them like humans. Dogs in nature live in stable packs if a member of the pack is unstable, depressed ect, the other well balanced dogs will correct the behavior in order for the pack to work, and continue on. Your dog is picking up on unbalanced energy. She probably senses instability in her pack therefore she is trying to assume the pack leader position by being dominant so the pack can continue on. You coming home, or showing any affection while she is in a upset mindset is reinforcing this behavior. Your saying when you are upset and whine, I show up as reward. And by giving affection you are reinforcing the behavior by touch which is very powerful, physically telling your dog ';I love you, and give you lots of attention when you whine.'; When you go to visit, or give attention to your dog, you need to make sure she is in a calm mindset (not whining, or being dominant over the other dogs), so your reinforcing good behavior. Also, you and your husband need to have the mindset of calm pack leaders. This will give your dog stability all in itself, knowing its pack is well balanced with a fit for the position pack leader to help guide.Why is my dog acting like this since my husband and I separated?
Of course a dog can sense a change ... but they can't put into words what's bothering them, so they sorta ';act out'; ... just the way small children do.

Sounds like she was very attached to you and misses you terribly. Her routine has been disrupted and she can no longer count on you being there.

My question for you is this: with whom will the dog be living? If she will be staying with your husband, she'll have to get used to your absence. Your coming and going at odd times is just confusing her more. If she will ultimately be living with you, it would be best if she could stay with you now.

She probably will adjust eventually, but it will take time and patience. Good Luck.
Maybe she wants to be with you and not the husband? So take her with you and keep here at your place, she'll probably be happier. She misses you!
It sounds like she misses YOU. You've been her mom and she thinks you've abandoned her. Dogs are alot like children, and they demonstrate similar feelings when there is a change in the family dynamic, such as a separation or a death. I would suggest maybe you take her to live with you.
Dogs can defiantly sense a change. She is probably reacting to the separation.

You and your husband need to make a decision on where she lives. After a while.....the change will be a normality and she will get accustomed to the change of life.
Yes, they can sense, and she needs some reassurance. I'm not saying your husband is mistreating her, but she knows something is amiss. At least make sure your husband is trying to maintain her regular schedule of going out and relieving herself.

Some dogs are more cognizant than others. We have five dogs. Some might be stressed, others (like our Shih-Tzu) barely know what's going on. Ignorance is bliss for some dogs, but for others, they're very attuned. A Great Dane would be one of the breeds that would be stressed and highly attuned.
dogs follow a routine and when they sense something is different, they feel uneasy.

when a dog poops in the house it is out of retaliation. your dog knew you were gone and didn't like it.

i don't think you will ever get her back to her old self unless you and your husband reconcile. your dog doesn't know what's going on between you and him, but it does know that you aren't there.
dogs are just like people they have emotions and she probaly misses you and she probaly is acting just like a little child might in the same situation
This sounds like seperation anxiety to me. I know when my wife and I had our Black Dane, he would need to know where both of us were at all times(Once he knew he was ok with it). However, if one of us were to leave and go to the store and we didn't say ';goodbye'; first, he would whine, whimper and constantly search the house until one of us returned.

I would do a search on the internet regarding seperation anxiety, there are tons of articles and how to counter it. I would pretty much gaurantee that's what it is though.
separation anxiety
I would recommend medical treatment with some Calms manufactured by Thomas Laboratories. It's an all natural supplement (not a drug) and will calm and relieve the stress of this transition period. Your dog will feel less anxious and less aggressive. It's commonly used by Veterinarians, dog handlers and trainers.
Yes, dogs are just like humans they know when things arent right. My advice is take her to the vet and they can put her on some kind of meds. there isnt really much more you can do except spent lots and lots of time with her.
they do sense a change and can be very distressed by it, they are pack animals and her pack has split up. not happy mum. it may take time or she may need to see a vet that might be able to help with some meds for her behaviour.

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