Friday, April 30, 2010

What is the name of the movie, where a husband kills his wife and hides her body with in a wall of their home?

I remember a movie where the husband kills his wife and hides her body with in a wall of their home, and I believe an investigator comes to their house to check on him in regards to the ';dissaperance'; of his wife and there is a small drop of blood on the stairs and the husband says it's do to a cut on his toe. Point is I can't remember the name help me!!!What is the name of the movie, where a husband kills his wife and hides her body with in a wall of their home?
Are you maybe talking about Disturbia with Shia Labouf.What is the name of the movie, where a husband kills his wife and hides her body with in a wall of their home?
You could be thinking about 10 Rillington Place, starring Richard Attenborough and John Hurt

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